Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy 26th Birthday, JEFF!

Happy Birthday to the greatest Man I have ever known! In honor of his birthday, I posted some cartoons from his favorite comic website, I am so happy to have my incredible husband, Jeffrey, in my life. He makes me a better person, and makes me want to continue to better myself. He's turning 26 on April 11th... unfortunately, that's also the day I'll be busy taking him to Universal Studios Hollywood!!!!!... so uh... I won't have time to post. Hence the pre-birthday post.

Why do I love Jeff?

-he's awesome

-he's kinda a know-it-all.. but he really usually knows it all (but I love it when he doesn't and I do!!! muahaha)

-he can eat anything he wants and yet doesn't care too much for sweets

-he has big muscles but a bigger heart and a bigger brain

-I find everything about Jeff attractive, and he is the first man I have ever felt this way about except Brad Pitt... and he's old.. ewww

-Jeff is pretty funny

-Jeff has a very positive attitude almost constantly

-Jeff can sense when my stress level hits a dangerous point, and he knows exactly what to do to ease my stress and calm my fears

-Jeff is my hero

-Jeff reaches stuff for me when I can't reach

-Jeff is handy... he can make and build anything and he does it well

-Jeff is smart, he is especially technology savvy

-Jeff likes things because he likes them, he doesn't care what anyone else thinks, no one else's opinion sways him... except sometimes mine

-Jeff's a great uncle, he is so good with Adelaide

-Jeff's a great cat dad... he's more patient than I am BY FAR with our kitty children

-Jeff's a great space heater on cold nights

But most of all... Jeff's just awesome. He treats me so well, and works so hard at being a good husband and provider for our family. I have never met a man so wonderful and loving as Jeff is. Somehow, God loved me enough to give me Jeff... and I have a lot of work to do to deserve such a beautiful gift. Happy Birthday Jeff.

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