Monday, February 22, 2010

I'd Do It Again...

2.5 Years Ago...

....I met a boy...

and he changed me.

2 Years Ago, tomorrow...

I married that boy...

And Today, I wanted to emphasize the fact, that if I had it to do all over again...

I would do it...

I love my husband so much, and I can affirm the fact that marriage really does get better with age. Two years ago I had half the marriage I have today. Two years ago I had half the love I have for my husband today. Two years ago I was half the person I am today. And I have my husband to thank, for loving me unconditionally, and always supporting me.

In the Last Two Years of Marriage...

We have...

- Adopted a beautiful Kitten
- Bought and begun remodelling a Home
- Advanced in our careers
- Never had a big fight

Jeff has...

- Gained A LOT of responsibility at Work
- NOT gained any weight... or lost any...
- Matured... a lot...
- Made friends with my family :)
- Learned to play a musical instrument
- Taken good care of his wife
- Gone back to school
- Given almost daily back rubs to his wife
- Taken on a lot of his wife's weird habits

Caitlin has...

- Started her own business
- learned to oil paint (OK... still learning)
- Gone back to school
- Taken Gymnastics classes & learned some cool skills
- Gained an interest in politics
- Lost a few pant sizes ( take that statisticians! )
- Learned to allow logic into her life, and not rely on pure emotion
- Taken on a few of Jeff's weird quirks...
- Learned to control(ish) her temper (sometimes)
- Matured... seriously people... I really have!

But that's not all that's happened. I can't speak for Jeff here, but I am not the same person I was two years ago. I'm so much more healthy, not just physically, but emotionally too. I've got such a sweet, wonderful husband. He makes me so happy. Whenever I hear a love song on the radio, I smile, because I can relate. I know what real love is. I have attained it.

PS: I know it's sappy but it's true! Don't judge me!

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