THURSDAY: So we left Thursday morning for Salt Lake. It was early, and we were tired, but we laughed and joked the whole way there. Something I love about my husband is how much fun we have together. Although, I am sad to say, I didn't take many pictures aside from the actual wedding part of the trip. It was getting kinda freaky cause Jeff and I kept saying the same things at the same time... luckily we got a break from each other just in time before we became the same person... I met up with Melissa at the Gateway mall and Jeff started working on his bidding and estimating. Yes, he worked the entire "vacation" which was incredibly annoying to me, but I will have a discussion with his "boss" about that later. Mel and I didn't find what we were looking for at the mall, so we went to a little place called Blue Boutique. Yeah.... I was giggling the whole time cause it's one of those places that takes lingerie above and beyond. We found something... er... "tasteful" for the bride, and went on our ways. Jeff and I headed for Idaho. It went by really fast because again, I love being with my husband, especially when he is NOT working. We stayed at this little hotel called the Pinecrest Inn, which was super cheap but actually not a bad room (NEVER EVER WILL WE STAY IN MOTEL 6 AGAIN). Then we went to sleep.
FRIDAY: Friday morning I woke up too eager to get to Lorraine's side to sleep. Jeff and I went to Denny's for breakfast since we had pretty much lived off of beef jerky all day thursday. gross. Anyways, so we hurried at Denny's and then I rushed to Rigby to get to Lorraine. When I got there I met her family and there were a lot of them, but they were all really nice people whom Jeff and I would eventually really enjoy spending time with. Lorraine was taking a bath when I got there, so I waited and chatted with the family. When she got out, I found her very overwhelmed, so I decided to take charge. I made her get back in the shower and rewash her hair because the bath had made it greasy, then we packed up all of her makeup and took her to the spa in Rexburg where she and her daughter got their nails done. Lorraine forgot a few things so I rushed back to Rigby to get them, then back to Rexburg. I then helped her do her makeup, straightened her hair, and rushed her to the Temple, barely making it close to on time.
SATURDAY: Saturday was hectic. Jeff and I checked out of our Pinecrest hotel, and went to Le Ritz. I then went straight to the salon where all the bridesmaids were getting their nails done, and Lorraine was getting her hair and makeup done professionally. Day two of the wedding celebration. We ate chocolate covered strawberries and I got my nails painted a sparkly gold color. Lorraine looked just as gorgeous as she had the first day, and all went well. Then I took Emily back to Le Ritz and told Jeff to get dressed up for the reception. We were late, got lost, and eventually found the place. It was gorgeous! I have tons of photos so no need to describe it. They did a ring ceremony, so we all walked down the stairs with two bridesmaids to every groomsman. Then the bishop talked about where rings came from and the symbolism. He asked Lorraine to tell him what she had learned in the first day of marriage. Her answer was hilarious but I can't remember it word for word. We took tons of photos, danced,
SUNDAY: Sunday morning Jeff worked ALL MORNING until 1 or 2 pm. I worked out for over an hour in the hotel gym. I watched the HOUSE marathon. I waited and waited until we were forced to check out, then I waited in the business room for hours. FINALLY we were able to leave, and we hit the road at high speeds trying to make it in time to have dinner with Melissa and Theron, see Jeff's friends, and see Daniel Bagby!!! We got a speeding ticket. Well, Jeff did. What's awesome is that it was only $140 bucks, if we had gotten the same ticket in Texas, it probably would have been around $500. Yeah... but honestly I couldn't get mad cause I know I would've been going just as fast if not faster had I been driving. So on the road we were driving, and Jeff looked over and saw the WEIRDEST looking girl we have ever seen. He was like "Is she real? QUICK GET THE CAMERA!!!" So I look over, and this girl looks WEIRD. She has these HUGE lips and they are all sticking out and open like a duck about to bite something. She has huge bug-eye glasses and just looked comical. So I grabbed the camera and took a picture right as she looked at us! HAHAHA.
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