Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Days

Ok, it's getting weird. The past few days not only have I been extraordinarily happy, I've also been without sugar. WHAT??? NO SUGAR??? Shouldn't I be tearing down buildings and wreaking havoc on the towns people?

Create your own FACEinHOLE
Guess not. Jeff told me yesterday that I am less moody the last few days than I have been since we got married. Wow. Guess he had to wait till now to tell me I'm moody. lol. I'm so zen I let it slide, though. And what else is weird? Yesterday I was so tired, I only barely made it through aerobics, but then went home and cleaned my entire house, did 8 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, played with Akira and watched a few episodes of my Family Guy and House. I also made myself 2 meals, both spinach salad with 1 boiled egg, and 1/4 avacado, 1/4 tomato, and Miso dressing (YUM!). That's a lot of accomplishment for this girl. On top of it all, I was HAPPY to do it. I was singing all day yesterday and in a great mood! I let Akira jump on the bathroom sink and play in the water. She spilled water all over the bathroom and I thought it was cute! I might have a tumor. That or this new, healthier lifestyle is really catching up with me fast!

But I'm also concerned. See... I'm due a gift from Mother Nature, it was due Friday evening to be exact. And it has yet to come. As a precaution I took a test Monday morning, but it was negative. Around this time I'm usually at my worst... I turn into the hulk, and terrorize small kittens and puppies. Yet, I'm perfectly serene. I'm not anything. I have none of the usual symptoms. No pain, no cramps, no lower back pain, just fatigue and happy feelings. So yeah... I woke up at 6 AM worrying about it. Then I got these crazy ideas. Like... I could start making pregnancy shirts and selling them! I'll put women's sonagrams on the shirt bellies! Or a little cartoon fetus that's like "YO!" eh? yeah? You like? Jeff didn't think it would sell but I think he underestimates the power of pregnancy on a woman. lol. Anyways...

Blog OUT!


Sami Dara said...

I'd buy a shirt to support you... but would i wear it...?

www.TRAINwithJAKE.com said...

Welcome to the vast world of wellness. P.S. that picture is going to haunt me in my dreams.

Anonymous said...

That's so wonderful! I'm happy you're happy :-) The same thing happens to me when I take my liver cleansing herbs...it's unbelievable! (but I've developed a bit of a tolerance) I'm gonna ask my dr to give me w/e you're taking- lol